This is the full route map of my 41,500km initial journey around the world. Purple denotes sections bicycled, blue is by boat, red is by flight, and pink is by bus or train.

Countries covered in order are: Canada, Portugal, Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkiye, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Taiwan, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan.

Above are closer cropped versions of sections of my route. From left to right are: Canada, Europe, Turkiye and the Caucasus, Central Asia, Taiwan, SouthEast Asia, and South Korea + Japan. To view routes in specific detail, I have begun arranging them in Ride With GPS.

Please note that just because I rode a route, does not mean that it is the best way to travel or that I necessarily recommend it. Many factors go into making route choices. These are simply the routes that resulted from my choices. I hope that they can inspire others to follow on their adventures. However in the end, it is up to every traveller to follow a path that fits their own needs. Godspeed.