The Honda Celebration of Light is an annual fireworks festival held over 3 separate days at the end of July/early August in Vancouver, British Columbia. For 2017, teams were chosen to represent the countries of Japan, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Each team gave a fantastic performance, but Akariya Fireworks from Japan was ranked the winner of the competition.
To capture this event, I went to a different location for each show. On night one, I watched Japan's display from a beach in North Vancouver. Luckily, despite the distance to the fireworks barges, they could still be seen very clearly, and the accompanying soundtrack was able to be played from a radio. For the UK show, I watched from the Burrard Bridge, offering an unobstructed view towards English Bay and the fireworks themselves. What was most captivating about this location was the ability to watch the marine traffic as boats travelled out of false creek to join the circle around the fireworks, and then travelled back after the end of the show. To capture this process in timelapse, I arrived an hour and a half before the start of the show, and stayed for another hour and half afterwards. Finally, for the last show, Canada's, I watched from a small rock spit near the border of Stanley Park. Arriving only 10 minutes before the show, I was able to find a spot on a large flat rock that had just been uncovered by the receding tides. This meant I was able to capture the crowds at English Bay, as well as the entire fireworks show above me. I also used real time video to capture parts of Canada's performance, including the finale, shown at the end of this film.
Role: director, cinematographer, editor.